by | Mar 31, 2018 | Entrepreneurship, Mind Power, Personal Development, Shane Krider
Rachel & Shane Krider’s second episode of their personal development podcast is all about gratitude. In the last blog, Mental Experiments, Shane discusses how being on purpose forces your brain to do things that are not necessarily comfortable, but the outcome is...
by | Mar 15, 2018 | Entrepreneurship, Mind Power, Personal Development, Shane Krider
Rachel & Shane Krider’s second episode of their personal development podcast is all about gratitude. In the last blog, Awareness, Shane describes the of being aware of what you’re grateful for. Below is a snippet of the podcast where Shane discusses the importance...
by | Feb 16, 2018 | Entrepreneurship, Mind Power, Personal Development, Shane Krider
Rachel & Shane Krider’s second episode of their personal development podcast is all about gratitude. In the last blog, Analysis of Paralysis, Shane describes the subliminal threshold of conscious awareness. Below is a snippet of the podcast where Shane expands...
by | Jan 28, 2018 | Entrepreneurship, Mind Power, Personal Development, Shane Krider
Rachel & Shane Krider’s second episode of their personal development podcast is all about gratitude. Below is a snippet of the podcast where Shane talks about the analysis of paralysis. — So many people are stuck in fear. They want to make a change, but...
by | Jan 3, 2018 | Entrepreneurship, Mind Power, Personal Development, Shane Krider
Rachel & Shane Krider’s second episode of their personal development podcast is all about gratitude. Below is a snippet of the podcast where Shane discusses how the mentality of entitlement is synonymous with ingratitude. — Anybody may say “well I feel like...