by | Sep 18, 2017 | Entrepreneurship, Personal Development, Shane Krider
When I was putting in car stereos for a living, I hated my life. I had a boss whose greatest goal in life was to make the people around him as miserable as he possibly could and still managed to keep his job. I wanted to change my life. To me, that when I first...
by | Jul 25, 2017 | Entrepreneurship, Personal Development, Shane Krider
How many of you have something in your life that you would love to change? Have you guys ever had a time in your life where you just made the decision that life was going to be different from that point forward? Because I came to a point where I had to make this...
by | Jul 25, 2017 | Entrepreneurship, Mind Power, Personal Development, Shane Krider
In the very first episode of “Mind Power,” a personal development podcast by husband and wife team Rachel and Shane Krider, the duo discusses the topic of the law of attraction and how it can shape your destiny. Shane goes into detail about how he started to utilize...